Saturday, September 6, 2014


Typically, our Saturdays are filled with household projects, errands and jammed packed activities for the kids. It usually feels less like a weekend and more like a blurred rat race that separates the work week hecticness. This school year I've decided to extend the 'do less' practice into my kids lives (in addition to mine). We have no weekend activties scheduled and I'm using the extra time from my reduced work schedule to balance out the weekday vs weekend activities. What I've found is more simple joy. The kids too are finding peace and enjoyment in relaxing and being un(der)scheduled. The joy and calm that I hear from them playing around the house freely and enjoying the HOME that we worked so hard to create yet spend so little time enjoying is oh so refreshing. In fact, it's rejuvenating the soul today. 

Doing less and refueling in the process. With less you appreciate more. #grateful